Remember unhoused individuals during heat wave…. 07/10/2024

BHWC PC/VR was out during the heat wave and visited a local church that offers a refridgerator and freezer to those in need. We loaded the fridge and freezer up with goods and decided to go out to the unhoused and hand out ice pops. Please keep in mind, many do not have the luxury of fans and/or air conditioning to stay cool. Heat strokes are a real thing and measures should be taken during the extreme heat. Please consider filling a cooler up with water, ice pops, and anything that may cool others off during these extreme temperatures. They appreciate it more than you know.

After, our outing we decided to just grab food on the go and the employees working in the kitchen were just exhausted from the heat of the kitchen. We gave all of them ice pops as well and to see their faces light up warmed the heart. Be sure to keep yourselves cool as well, and again please think of those who are unable to take the proper measures to stay cool. Thank you from the team at BHWC PC/VR.


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