Thank you supporters!

We wanted to thank all the supporters who came out to our recent fundraiser. It was a huge success. The energy of love and compassion was very present that day. Our entertainment between the DJ and the comedian was outstanding. At one time, I personally looked out amongst the crowd and could not hold back the tears. The unity of our community, friends, and family was so heartfelt. This type of unity is no doubt needed not only in our communities, but nationwide and globally as well. The song “imagine” by the late great John Lennon comes to mind.

We wanted to mention a personal thank you to those who gave their time and helped us with the silent auction, the chinese auction, and the 50/50. Those individuals were Patti and Steve McCleary, Kady and Steve Williams, and Dawn Tunbridge, We could not have done it without you all.

I didnt want to make this a long post, but we wanted to show our gratitude to all those who attended and all those who helped. THANK YOU!!


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